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Reports - Description

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Applications - Received

Count of all new applications entered in the time period i.e. where the application record was created for the first time in the time period, split by law type and split by Commonwealth and state within each law type.

Applications - Status

Applications approved/refused/pending/Withdrawn split by law type and split by Commonwealth and state within each law type, based on determinations made in the time period.

  • Approved is where any matter on the application has an approval during life of file i.e. on any extension. Only the first approval on each file is counted as an approval for the purposes of the report.
  • Refused is where there is a refusal recorded and there is no approval at all during the life of the file i.e. on any extension
  • Withdrawn is where either the only decision recorded is withdrawn, or where, in addition to a refusal decision, the last recorded decision is a withdrawn decision
  • Pending is counted only where the pending decision is the last recorded decision and is not preceded by an approval.

Applications - Monthly trends

Graph based report showing changes in application status statistics by month.

Practitioner Type

Approved cases by law type. Based on practitioner at the time of the report.

Duty Lawyer

Count of all duty appearances entered in the time period, split by law type, Commonwealth and state, and in-house and assigned This is a count of individuals assisted not sessions.

Legal Advice and Minor Assistance

Count of legal advice occasions of service entered in the time period, split by law type and Commonwealth/state. The Law type derived from the primary matter. Includes minor assistance, telephone advice i.e. all advice and minor assistance work types.

Family Dispute Resolution

Family Law Conferences held in the time period. Count of settlements, including full and partial settlements.

Child representation

Approvals for family law matters, where the primary matter type is child representation/independent child’s lawyer/separate representation, split by state and Commonwealth ie where the grant is for the representation of the child as the subject child in the proceedings. Commonwealth further split by court type – Family Court, Federal Magistrates, Family Court of WA, other.


A count of applications received, approved and refused by age as at date of application. Age groups as per ABS/Commonwealth schedules (see Resources).


A count of applications received, approved and refused split by law type and gender.


ATSI applications received and approved by law type and split by gender.

Map - Legal Aid Approvals

Summary of approvals by state for the chosen period.

Note on law type classification

Please note the following classifications of matters into law types.

Child care and protection Family law (State)
Apprehended domestic violence Family law (State)
Apprehended personal violence Civil law (State)
Mental health matters Civil law (State)


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